
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Impact Aid Forms

     Today your child will be bringing home a Federal Impact Aid form.  Please fill out, check, sign, and date this form.  It is very important that you fill it out completely and correctly and send it back to school tomorrow.   

     Impact Aid is a federal grant progam that assists local school districts that have lost property tax dollars because of federal activities.  For example, Fort Stewart occupies land that once provided property tax revenue to Liberty County.  In order to get these federal grant dollars each year, the school system must do a head count on one day during the school year.  These dollars are used for a variety of school system expenses, including textbooks, athletic equipment, computers, school maintenance, repair, construction, bus operations, and employee salaries. 

     These dollars benefit your children and our school system.  Please complete these forms and make sure it is returned Thursday, September 1, 2011.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pre-K Reminders

We are off to a super start here at LCPK! The students are quickly adjusting to life at Pre-K! Here are a few reminders:
  • Please make sure that your child wears his or her apple to school every day.
  • Students are marked tardy when arriving after 7:45 am.
  • If you wish to check your child out early, this must be done prior to 1:45.
  • You must have your car sign to drive through the car line.
  • Please do not use cell phones as you go through the car line.
  • If you are walking your child to school, please use the parking lot beside the playground (enter from Mill Street), not the parking lot at the Board of Education.
  • For your child's birthday, you may send in store bought, small-sized cupcakes.
  • Your child will be sent to breakfast only if you have indicated so on the breakfast form that was sent home.
Thank you for your continued support!  We are looking forward to a wonderful year with the Class of 2025!